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How to Practice AI Ethics Workshop

How can you ethically integrate new AI systems into your life and work?

This is an urgent and important question for individuals and groups at all kinds of scales, from families to departments to large organizations and governments. This hands-on introductory course will provide you with a powerful framework to help you, and your groups, ethically integrate, reflect on, and build shared commitments involving practical AI implementation. 

Ethical alignment will help you–and the groups you are a part of–make good and effective use of AI systems.

can I attend?

Workshop Dates and Times:
Can be set up to best fit your team’s needs and schedule.

is this for?

This workshop is the perfect fit for teams, managers, and organizational leaders who want to understand more about how to use AI in ways that align with your personal ethics, your organizational ethics, and/or your professional ethics.

would you attend?

After completing this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Carefully analyze AI implementation in a more comprehensive way

  • Reflect on your own ongoing experiences of AI use, and their ethical implications, for you and your groups

  • Ask excellent questions of yourself and others about AI use

  • Understand core concepts to help you ethically align teams in their use of AI, increasing team understanding and motivation when it comes to the integration of these systems

are the specific details?

This workshop provides:

  • A powerful and reasonably comprehensive framework for understanding and discussing core issues in AI ethics

  • A visual poster and digital visual assets to help you understand and communicate this framework

  • Help with a hands-on, practical implementation of AI for a use case that you identify, based on your ethics and experience

You will learn a carefully grounded set of interrelated questions and concepts that will be enduringly significant as AI systems rapidly develop and are integrated into our lives and work. AI use will be understood in terms of its relationship to human agency, holistic communication, and whole creative processes.

You will build your skills in ethical reflection and discussion around core topics in practical AI system use and integration.

You will have hands-on experience selecting a use-case for AI that fits with your life or work, analyzing it, and communicating clearly about ethical tensions involved.

You will share a unique experience with a cohort of other individuals who are at the forefront of ethical AI use and integration.

You will have a practical grounding in your own experience with this framework, which can then prepare you to explore the development of AI ethics frameworks, AI ethics charters, ethical AI workflow management, and the various subjects in AI ethics, in a grounded and insightful way.


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