Video: Because McLuhan at WebVisions Chicago 2014

Summary: Dan Klyn talks at WebVisions Chicago about the power of the medium and information architecture, and how they affect the way people understand messages.

One of the ways TUG explains information architecture is in terms of maintaining the structural integrity of meaning across channels. How do you know how to do that? We look to those who came before.

In his talk at WebVisions Chicago, Dan Klyn explains one approach by using the work of Marshall McLuhan, who famously stated, “The medium is the message.” Dan talks about about what McLuhan had to say about the power of the medium, and what can be gained by peeling it apart from the message and considering it separately. By being intentional about selecting a medium to work in, we affect the way people consider and understand the message we’re communicating in deeper and more profound ways.

Because McLuhan

Podium video I shot of myself giving a talk on Marshall McLuhan at Web Visions in Chicago, Illinois USA on September 25, 2014