Ducks and Decorated Sheds at UX Thursday

Summary: Dan Klyn follows up his talk on UX Radio with a conversation about structural form, what "good" means, and how meaning and structure can be inter-related.


Dan Klyn reprises his talk on Ducks and Decorated Sheds.

Jared Spool asked me to make a return appearance at a local-to-me UX event—which now surely has to be the annual UX Thursday Detroit event. He asked that I expand on a little rant he’d heard me go off on in conversation with Bob Royce and Lara Fedoroff on UX Radio—a rant about structural form and what “good” means and how meaning and structure can be inter-related. And in 20 minutes, which is the best and hardest (for me at least) format evar.

Below is a slideshare version of the slides I put together on this topic and presented from today at the marvelous Gem Theater in Detroit. Jared said that the talks today will be recorded and available after the fact, and we’ll be sure to put those links in the TUG newsletter once they’ve been published.

What a marvelous event. I hope they bring this back next year.