Embodied Cognition for SI658

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Summary: Andrew Hinton speaks at U-M for SI658 about embodied cognition and what it means for information architecture and user experience design challenges.

It was my pleasure to be a guest lecturer for Dan Klyn’s information architecture grad-school class at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

I’m not personally an academic expert in these matters, but I’ve had to bone up considerably for a project I’m working on (a book on designing context). What I presented was my own, somewhat skewed take on the subject, since my focus isn’t on embodied cognition as a whole, but what it means for information architecture and user-experience design challenges in particular.

I’d like to add, I’m grateful to be part of an organization that encourages outreach, teaching and idea sharing as much as TUG does. Stuff like this is part of why I love being an information architect.