The World is the Screen: Understanding Information Environments - ConveyUX 2014

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Summary: Andrew Hinton provides his slides and speaker notes for a presentation on information environments he gave in 2014 Convey UX in Seattle.

I had the pleasure of being invited to speak at Convey UX — a relatively new Seattle conference, organized by user-experience research and design company Blink. I presented the (I assume) final delivery of a talk I gave throughout most of 2013, The World is the Screen: Understanding Information Environments. This last version was shorter, to fit a 30 minute slot, but I think it gets to the point more clearly than prior versions, so I’m embedding it at the end of this post.

Some highlights that I was able to see included Samantha Starmer’s presentation on cross-channel user experience, Steven Hoober’s reality-check best practices on how people actually hold and touch mobile devices, and Oli Shaw’s talk on service design ecosystems that anticipate and ambiently personalize those experiences. (I wish I could’ve seen more, if only my travel schedule had allowed. I encourage you to keep an eye out for published videos and decks from all the talks!)

Convey was a real pleasure, and was very well run; I congratulate Blink and particularly Joe Welinske (who ran things backstage like a Swiss clockmaker) for putting on a great conference.

My slides, with notes, below!

This is a shorter, but more recent and recently refined, version of the talk I gave throughout 2013.